Monday 14 February 2011

Lorry Drivers To Be Hit By Tough, New EU Pollution Laws

The importance of managing a fuel efficient - and environmentally responsible - fleet is going to increase still further if new EU laws come into force. A report in today's edition of European Voice reveals that a new Europe-wide law that could mean lorry drivers are required to pay for the environmental harm caused by their vehicles moved a step closer today.

The law on the taxation of heavy vehicles was approved by ministers this morning (February 14th) and will now go on for approval in the Euro Parliament. 
The proposal would allow EU countries to charge lorry drivers for noise and air pollution caused by their vehicles. This will come on top of new arrangements, which we reported last week, that will allow countries to charge tolls to vehicles from other EU countries that use their road system. 
The new rules would apply to any motorway in the EU, a significant point as national governments have previously objected to attempts to extend the law beyond the ‘Trans-European Network' of EU priority roads. The proposals were not unanimously approved. Italy and Spain voted against the law, while Ireland, the Netherlands and Portugal abstained.
All MEPs are due to vote on the issue in June. 
If the law comes into effect, it will make it even more imperative that fleet managers control their vehicle's emissions. And this will make devices like iBox's technology's eco-mate even more effective and useful. 
The eco-mate allows fleet managers to monitor a wide range of fuel-related data. 

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